Today is Giving Tuesday, a day dedicated to showing support to Nonprofits. As the holiday season approaches, our thoughts are with the many families that our work for comprehensive immigration reform affects. While many Americans will celebrate the holidays around crowded tables overflowing with home-cooked dishes, millions of children with undocumented parents will go to bed hungry.

In fact, children living with one undocumented parent are twice as likely as children living with naturalized parents to go hungry. 
Food security improves as parents obtain their citizenship, that’s just one of the many reasons why we at Reform Immigration FOR America work for a fair and legal path to citizenship for undocumented Americans. Legalization will help these families escape hunger.Please consider making a generous gift to help us continue fighting for the rights and well-being of immigrant families.

We thank you for the actions you’ve taken to protect immigrant families. As a RI4A activist, you know the importance of ensuring that millions of mixed-status families will be able to sit for a holiday meal with their loved ones. That’s why we are asking for your help again. We need your help to sustain and expand these vital tools in 2016!

Today, on a day dedicated to giving, I encourage you to think of the millions of children in immigrant families who face such disproportionately high rates of hunger and food insecurity. Will you join us in the fight to ensure they and their families are protected?

Together, we can give immigrant children a chance!

Food Security Improves as Parents Obtain Citizenship.